7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases

7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Nowadays, it is very common to hear words like stress, restlessness, anxiety, headache, or other types of pain in the body. With all these pains, dependency on medicines is highly increased. Although these medicines give almost instant relief but also come with side effects. This dependency on medicines in a long run is too dangerous for our bodies.

So, the question is, how to get relief from pain without getting dependent on medicines? Our Ayurveda tells about some techniques that work magically to relieve various kinds of pain. This magical technique is Acupressure.

Here, I am going to tell you about 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases

Before discussing the 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases, let us understand what is acupressure. So, in very simple language, acupressure is a kind of therapy that works on the principle of pressure. This technique works on the basis of life energy that flows through the meridians in the body.

Meridians: There is a vast network of energy pathways that are constantly circulating throughout our body. These pathways are meridians and play important role in our health and vitality.

These meridians consist of a series of acupressure points. So, these are the points where physical pressure is applied to clear the blockage and restore the energy flow. Further, the proper energy flow gives relaxation and relieves the pain.

Indeed, many people are turning to these 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases as they don’t have any side effects. And I am very happy to tell you that these 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases are not only helpful for pains but also very good for your hair and skin.

Heal Yourself With These Pressure Points

There are 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases in your hands. Let us know their name, their location, and the way you can use them for healing. So below are the 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases:

  1. Heart 7.
  2. Small Intestine 3.
  3. Lung Meridian.
  4. Inner Gate Point.
  5. Outer Gate Point.
  6. Wrist Point 1.
  7. Hand Valley Point.

Heart 7 Pressure Point

This Heart 7 Pressure Point is located in the crease of your wrist. It lies in line with the space between your ring finger and your little finger.

7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Moreover, there is a bone directly in line next to this pressure point. So, applying gentle pressure to this spot may protect against anxiety, insomnia, heart palpitations, and depression.

Small Intestine 3 Pressure Point

The small intestine 3 pressure point is located at the outside part of your hand, right on the edge. Furthermore, this point lies in the depression of your hand just below your little finger.

Small Intestine 3 Pressure Point.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Thus, putting firm pressure on this point is thought to relieve neck pain, earaches, and headaches that occur at the back of your head.

Lung Meridian Pressure Point

Indeed, you can find your lung meridian pressure point by looking at the edge of your hand. It runs from the tip of your thumb down along the side of your hand, ending just beneath the crease of your wrist.

Lung Meridian Pressure Point.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Run your finger along this line. If you find a sore spot along this line, you should gently massage it until it feels better. Consequently, it will relieve any cold symptoms, such as chills, sneezing, runny nose, and sore throat.

Massage Treatment For Healing

Inner Gate Point

The inner gate point can be found in a spot on the crease of your wrist. Next, hold out your hands as if you are receiving a gift, with your wrists together. Then, take one hand and feel about 3 centimeters out from where your wrists were touching in the middle.

Inner Gate Point.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Massage this point firmly with your thumb. Consequently, this will improve your digestion and relieve any nausea or stomach pain.

Outer Gate Point

The outer gate point can be found between two tendons on the backside of the arm. Further, place three fingers from your other hand above your wrist.

Outer Gate Point.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Now, use those fingers to apply firm pressure to this part of your hand to potentially give your immune system a quick boost.

Thus, applying pressure to this part of the hand could give you a rush of energy.

Wrist Point 1

You can find your wrist point 1 on your wrist. Next, run a finger down your little finger to your wrist crease, keeping it in line with your finger. Now you have found the point.

7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Further, firmly pressing on your wrist point 1 regularly may help promote happiness by regulating your emotions.

Hand Valley Point

The hand valley point can be found in the firm skin between the thumb and index finger.

7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.
7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases.

Now, applying firm touch to this pressure point may help reduce stress, as well as alleviate migraines, toothaches, shoulder tension, and neck pain.

Is Acupressure Alternative For Medicine?

To be honest, you have to visit a doctor if you are suffering from any serious problem. You can ask the doctor about using acupressure if it can help in your case. Because acupressure does not have any adverse effect on your body. In addition, it can help you heal faster.

So, use these 7 Acupressure Points To Cure Diseases. Along with this, you should practice yoga and meditation on a daily basis even if you are fit. No one can deny The Importance Of Meditation In Daily Life. With this, I wish you happiness and good health.

Keep reading my blogs and Stay Happy, Healthy, and Motivated!

श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित

प्रथम पूज्य श्रीगणेशजी की आराधना बहुत मंगलकारी मानी जाती है। अनेक श्लोकों, स्त्रोतों, तथा जापों द्वारा गणेशजी को मनाया जाता है। इनमें से एक पाठ “श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष” बहुत मंगलकारी एवं फलदायी है। प्रतिदिन प्रात: शुद्ध होकर श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ को करने से गणेशजी की कृपा अवश्य प्राप्त होती है। यहां पाठकों के लिए श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित दिया गया है| इसे पढ़े और भक्ति भाव से श्री गणेश जी महाराज की स्तुति करें  :

श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित|
श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित|

श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष

ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये।

त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्वमसि

त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि

त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि

त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि

त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि

त्व साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम्।।1।

अर्थ- ॐकारापति भगवान गणपति को नमस्कार है। हे गणेश! तुम्हीं प्रत्यक्ष तत्व हो। तुम्हीं केवल कर्ता हो। तुम्हीं केवल धर्ता हो। तुम्हीं केवल हर्ता हो। निश्चयपूर्वक तुम्हीं इन सब रूपों में विराजमान ब्रह्म हो। तुम साक्षात नित्य आत्मस्वरूप हो।

ऋतं वच्मि। सत्यं वच्मि।।2।

मैं ऋत न्याययुक्त बात कहता हूं। सत्य कहता हूं।

अव त्व मां। अव वक्तारं।

अव श्रोतारं। अव दातारं।

अव धातारं। अवानूचानमव शिष्यं।

अव पश्चातात। अव पुरस्तात।

अवचोत्तरात्तात। अव दक्षिणात्तात्।

अवचोर्ध्वात्तात्।। अवाधरात्तात्।

सर्वतो मां पाहि-पाहि समंतात्।।3।।

हे पार्वतीनंदन! तुम मेरी (मुझ शिष्य की) रक्षा करो। वक्ता (आचार्य) की रक्षा करो। श्रोता की रक्षा करो। दाता की रक्षा करो। धाता की रक्षा करो। व्याख्या करने वाले आचार्य की रक्षा करो। शिष्य की रक्षा करो। पश्चिम से रक्षा। पूर्व से रक्षा करो। उत्तर से रक्षा करो। दक्षिण से रक्षा करो। ऊपर से रक्षा करो। नीचे से रक्षा करो। सब ओर से मेरी रक्षा करो। चारों ओर से मेरी रक्षा करो।

त्वं वाङ्मयस्त्वं चिन्मय:।

त्वमानंदमसयस्त्वं ब्रह्ममय:।

त्वं सच्चिदानंदाद्वितीयोऽषि।

त्वं प्रत्यक्षं ब्रह्माषि।

त्वं ज्ञानमयो विज्ञानमयोऽषि।।4।।

तुम वाङ्मय हो, चिन्मय हो। तुम आनंदमय हो। तुम ब्रह्ममय हो। तुम सच्चिदानंद अद्वितीय हो। तुम प्रत्यक्ष ब्रह्म हो। तुम दानमय विज्ञानमय हो।

श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित|
श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित|

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तो जायते।

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वत्तस्तिष्ठति।

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि लयमेष्यति।

सर्वं जगदिदं त्वयि प्रत्येति।

त्वं भूमिरापोऽनलोऽनिलो नभ:।

त्वं चत्वारिवाक्पदानि।।5।।

यह जगत तुमसे उत्पन्न होता है। यह सारा जगत तुममें लय को प्राप्त होगा। इस सारे जगत की तुममें प्रतीति हो रही है। तुम भूमि, जल, अग्नि, वायु और आकाश हो। परा, पश्चंती, बैखरी और मध्यमा वाणी के ये विभाग तुम्हीं हो।

त्वं गुणत्रयातीत:। त्वं कालत्रयातीत:।

त्वं देहत्रयातीत:।

त्वं मूलाधारस्थितोऽसि नित्यं।

त्वं शक्तित्रयात्मक:।

त्वां योगिनो ध्यायंति नित्यं।

त्वं ब्रह्मा त्वं विष्णुस्त्वं

रूद्रस्त्वं इंद्रस्त्वं अग्निस्त्वं

वायुस्त्वं सूर्यस्त्वं चंद्रमास्त्वं


तुम सत्व, रज और तम तीनों गुणों से परे हो। तुम जागृत, स्वप्न और सुषुप्ति इन तीनों अवस्थाओं से परे हो। तुम स्थूल, सूक्ष्म औ वर्तमान तीनों देहों से परे हो। तुम भूत, भविष्य और वर्तमान तीनों कालों से परे हो। तुम मूलाधार चक्र में नित्य स्थित रहते हो। इच्छा, क्रिया और ज्ञान तीन प्रकार की शक्तियाँ तुम्हीं हो। तुम्हारा योगीजन नित्य ध्यान करते हैं। तुम ब्रह्मा हो, तुम विष्णु हो, तुम रुद्र हो, तुम इन्द्र हो, तुम अग्नि हो, तुम वायु हो, तुम सूर्य हो, तुम चंद्रमा हो, तुम ब्रह्म हो, भू:, र्भूव:, स्व: ये तीनों लोक तथा ॐकार वाच्य पर ब्रह्म भी तुम हो।

गणादि पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनंतरं।

अनुस्वार: परतर:। अर्धेन्दुलसितं।

तारेण ऋद्धं। एतत्तव मनुस्वरूपं।

गकार: पूर्वरूपं। अकारो मध्यमरूपं।

अनुस्वारश्चान्त्यरूपं। बिन्दुरूत्तररूपं।

नाद: संधानं। सँ हितासंधि:

सैषा गणेश विद्या। गणकऋषि:

निचृद्गायत्रीच्छंद:। गणपतिर्देवता।

ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।।7।

गण के आदि अर्थात कर पहले उच्चारण करें। उसके बाद वर्णों के आदि अर्थात उच्चारण करें। उसके बाद अनुस्वार उच्चारित होता है। इस प्रकार अर्धचंद्र से सुशोभित ॐकार से अवरुद्ध होने पर तुम्हारे बीज मंत्र का स्वरूप (ॐ गं) है। गकार इसका पूर्वरूप है।बिन्दु उत्तर रूप है। नाद संधान है। संहिता संविध है। ऐसी यह गणेश विद्या है। इस महामंत्र के गणक ऋषि हैं। निचृंग्दाय छंद है श्री मद्महागणपति देवता हैं। वह महामंत्र है- ॐ गं गणपतये नम:।

एकदन्ताय विद्महे वक्रतुण्डाय धीमहि ।

तन्नो दन्तिः प्रचोदयात् ॥8॥

एक दंत को हम जानते हैं। वक्रतुण्ड का हम ध्यान करते हैं। वह दन्ती (गजानन) हमें प्रेरणा प्रदान करें। यह गणेश गायत्री है।

एकदन्तं चतुर्हस्तं पाशमङ्कुशधारिणम् ।

अभय वरदं हस्तैर्बिभ्राणं मूषकध्वजम् ॥

रक्तं लम्बोदरं शूर्पकर्णकं रक्तवाससम् ।

रक्तगन्धानुलिप्ताङ्गं रक्तपुष्पैस्सुपूजितम् ॥

भक्तानुकम्पिनं देवं जगत्कारणमच्युतम् ।

आविर्भूतं च सृष्ट्यादौ प्रकृतेः पुरुषात्परम् ।

एवं ध्यायति यो नित्यं स योगी योगिनां वरः ॥9

एकदंत चतुर्भज चारों हाथों में पाक्ष, अंकुश, अभय और वरदान की मुद्रा धारण किए तथा मूषक चिह्न की ध्वजा लिए हुए, रक्तवर्ण लंबोदर वाले सूप जैसे बड़े-बड़े कानों वाले रक्त वस्त्रधारी शरीर प रक्त चंदन का लेप किए हुए रक्तपुष्पों से भलिभाँति पूजित। भक्त पर अनुकम्पा करने वाले देवता, जगत के कारण अच्युत, सृष्टि के आदि में आविर्भूत प्रकृति और पुरुष से परे श्रीगणेशजी का जो नित्य ध्यान करता है, वह योगी सब योगियों में श्रेष्ठ है।

नमो व्रातपतये । नमो गणपतये ।

नमः प्रमथपतये ।

नमस्तेऽस्तु लम्बोदरायैकदन्ताय विघ्ननाशिने शिवसुताय वरदमूर्तये नमः ॥10॥

व्रात (देव समूह) के नायक को नमस्कार। गणपति को नमस्कार। प्रथमपति (शिवजी के गणों के अधिनायक) के लिए नमस्कार। लंबोदर को, एकदंत को, शिवजी के पुत्र को तथा श्रीवरदमूर्ति को नमस्कार-नमस्कार ।।

एतदथर्वशीर्षं योऽधीते स ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ।

स सर्वविघ्नैर्न बाध्यते । स सर्वत् सुखमेधते ।

स पञ्चमहापापात्प्रमुच्यते ।11॥

यह अथर्वशीर्ष (अथर्ववेद का उपनिषद) है। इसका पाठ जो करता है, ब्रह्म को प्राप्त करने का अधिकारी हो जाता है। सब प्रकार के विघ्न उसके लिए बाधक नहीं होते। वह सब जगह सुख पाता है। वह पांचों प्रकार के महान पातकों तथा उपपातकों से मुक्त हो जाता है।

सायमधीयानो दिवसकृतं पापं नाशयति ।

प्रातरधीयानो रात्रिकृतं पापं नाशयति ।

सायं प्रातः प्रयुञ्जानो पापो भवति ।

सर्वत्राधीयानोऽपविघ्नो भवति ।

धर्मार्थकाममोक्षं च विन्दति ॥12॥

सायंकाल पाठ करने वाला दिन के पापों का नाश करता है। प्रात:काल पाठ करने वाला रात्रि के पापों का नाश करता है। जो प्रात:- सायं दोनों समय इस पाठ का प्रयोग करता है वह निष्पाप हो जाता है। वह सर्वत्र विघ्नों का नाश करता है। धर्म, अर्थ, काम और मोक्ष को प्राप्त करता है।

इदमथर्वशीर्षमशिष्याय न देयम् ।

यो यदि मोहाद्दास्यति स पापीयान् भवति ।

सहस्रावर्तनाद्यं यं काममधीते तं तमनेन साधयेत् ॥13॥

इस अथर्वशीर्ष को जो शिष्य न हो उसे नहीं देना चाहिए। जो मोह के कारण देता है वह पातकी हो जाता है। सहस्र (हजार) बार पाठ करने से जिन-जिन कामों-कामनाओं का उच्चारण करता है, उनकी सिद्धि इसके द्वारा ही मनुष्य कर सकता है।

अनेन गणपतिमभिषिञ्चति स वाग्मी भवति ।

चतुर्थ्यामनश्नन् जपति स विद्यावान् भवति ।

इत्यथर्वणवाक्यम् । ब्रह्माद्यावरणं विद्यान्न बिभेति कदाचनेति ॥14॥

इसके द्वारा जो गणपति को स्नान कराता है, वह वक्ता बन जाता है। जो चतुर्थी तिथि को उपवास करके जपता है वह विद्यावान हो जाता है, यह अथर्व वाक्य है जो इस मंत्र के द्वारा तपश्चरण करना जानता है वह कदापि भय को प्राप्त नहीं होता।

यो दूर्वाङ्कुरैर्यजति स वैश्रवणोपमो भवति ।

यो लाजैर्यजति स यशोवान् भवति ।

स मेधावान् भवति ।

यो मोदकसहस्रेण यजति स वाञ्छितफलमवाप्नोति ।

यस्साज्यसमिद्भिर्यजति स सर्वं लभते स सर्वं लभते ॥15॥

जो दूर्वांकुर के द्वारा भगवान गणपति का यजन करता है वह कुबेर के समान हो जाता है। जो लाजो (धानी-लाई) के द्वारा यजन करता है वह यशस्वी होता है, मेधावी होता है। जो सहस्र (हजार) लड्डुओं (मोदकों) द्वारा यजन करता है, वह वांछित फल को प्राप्त करता है। जो घृत के सहित समिधा से यजन करता है, वह सब कुछ प्राप्त करता है।

अष्टौ ब्राह्मणान् सम्यग् ग्राहयित्वा सूर्यवर्चस्वी भवति ।

सूर्यग्रहेमहानद्यां प्रतिमासन्निधौ वा जप्त्वा सिद्धमन्त्रो भवति महाविघ्नात् प्रमुच्यते ।

महादोषात् प्रमुच्यते । महाप्रत्यवायात् प्रमुच्यते ।

स सर्वविद् भवति स सर्वविद् भवति । य एवं वेद । इत्युपनिषत् ॥१७॥ ॐ शान्तिश्शान्तिश्शान्तिः ॥

आठ ब्राह्मणों को सम्यक रीति से ग्राह कराने पर सूर्य के समान तेजस्वी होता है। सूर्य ग्रहण में महानदी में या प्रतिमा के समीप जपने से मंत्र सिद्धि होती है। वह महाविघ्न से मुक्त हो जाता है। जो इस प्रकार जानता है, वह सर्वज्ञ हो जाता है वह सर्वज्ञ हो जाता है।

श्री गणपति अथर्वशीर्ष पाठ अनुवाद सहित प्रतिदिन करें और गणेश जी महाराज की कृपा से अपने सभी कार्यो को निर्विघ्न रूप से संपन्न करें |

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

You must have heard many songs, read many quotes, and many compliments about the beauty of the smile. A smile is a universal welcome. It is an expression that gives positive vibes to not only the receiver but to the giver also. If you have a smiling face with you, you are a lucky person.

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.
10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

A smiling face gives you comfort, assurance, refreshing energy, positivity, and much more. But do you know that other than giving comfort and creating positive vibes, there are 10 surprising health benefits of smiling?

Yes, you read that right. Smile is a very simple and free therapy available to you and has surprising health benefits.

So, let us discuss these 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling

There are a number of wonderful researches on smiles. Delightfully, all these researches are very positive. Smiling is a very powerful act and has a great effect on your body as well as on the people around you.

Smile Is A Natural Pain Killer. 

Yes, you are reading it right. A smile is a natural pain killer. Smiling releases endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin, three neurotransmitters that make us feel good from head to toe. These natural chemicals elevate our mood, relax our body and reduce physical pain. Thus, a smile works as a natural pain killer.

Smile Increases Immunity.

Research reveals that a single smile is equal to eating 2000 bars of chocolates. Smiling improves the immunity system of our body by relaxing the body and reducing stress.

Smiling Quotes.
10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

Smile Makes You Youthful.

A smiling face looks so attractive and makes the person youthful by giving refreshing energy and creating happy vibes. A genuinely happy and smiling person lives a long and happy life.

Smiling Elevates Mood.

Whenever you feel low, just try putting on a smile. Even if it is a fake smile, it will create a pathway to the brain and indicates it to enter a happy state. Through a fake smile, you can actually trick your mind and trigger the release of neuropeptides that improve your neural communication. Also, it releases neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which can boost your mood. Smiling is a natural antidepressant.

Win The World With Smile

The act of smiling is not an involuntary response to the things that bring you joy. Smiling can be a conscious and intentional choice. When you smile wholeheartedly, this smile has various positive effects on your body and the people around you.

Smile Is Contagious.

You must have heard many times that a “Smile has the power to light up the room”. This beautiful sentiment actually reveals the truth. Smiling not only elevate your mood but also creates happy vibes and spread themselves on the faces of those around you. This not only affects you but also has a positive effect on everybody around you.

Win The World With Smile.
10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

Smiling Attracts Success.

A smiling face seems more confident. People like to approach a smiling face more and these faces are more likely to get promoted. Try putting a confident smile in your business meetings and appointments, you will find people reacting to you differently.

Smiling Helps You Stay Positive.

Whether it is forced or natural, a smile always has a positive influence on your feelings. Although it does more good to you if you smile through your heart. Still, in your low time, if you try a forced smile, it will send a message of positivity to your brain and you will naturally feel better than before.

Smiling Offers Longer Life.

A genuine smile through the heart increases your life span. For a healthy and longer life, it is very important to stay happy and positive always.

Secret To Glowing And Beautiful Face

Scientists, while their research found that there is a strong link between a smile and a glowing face. A smile brings a healthy and bright glow to your face. It also brightens up your eyes and makes you look wonderfully beautiful.

Lowers Blood Pressure.

People who suffer from high blood pressure due to stress can try smiling to lower their blood pressure. It is said that smiling relieves stress and lowers blood pressure. However, more research has to be done in this area. But a happy heart and a pure smile can do everything right.

Secret To Beautiful And Glowing Face.
10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling.

So, now that you know these 10 Surprising Health Benefits Of Smiling, I hope there will be a flow of smiles from you to the people around you. Spread smiles all around you and enjoy a beautiful and healthy life.

Sometimes it happens when it seems difficult to smile. You can practice meditation for those times. Trust me. it will help magically. No one can deny The Importance Of Meditation In Daily Life.

My good wishes and a big smile to you with the hope to spread it all over the world.

10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation

10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Flying? Fine. Lizards? Okay. Snakes? No Problem. Public Speaking? Nopes!!!

I have seen a lot of people for whom just thinking of public speaking can sweat palms and make the body shiver. But you know it is not that snaky.

Following these 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation can help you overcome the fear of public speaking.

10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.
10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Remember that if you understand the subject clearly, the speech will come from the heart. There’s a great saying by John Ford:

“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.”

Just imagine you are speaking confidently in front of a crowd. By mastering public speaking skills, you can share your thoughts and views easily with the world. So, here I am going to share the amazing 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation

It requires a brave feat to stand in front of people and convey your message. But unfortunately, today every job demands you to speak up and be presentable. Whether you have an audience of 5, 50, 500, or more, once you master these 10 Public Speaking Skills to Crush Your Next Presentation, you will have a different level of confidence.

So, stay tuned till the end of this post and I will tell you these super awesome 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.  You would have heard that “Practice makes a person perfect.” This is so true and if you practice or prepare some things in advance you will stand with a confident feat in your next presentation.

10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.
10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Let me now tell you the important 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

  1. Practice your content as much as you can.
  2. Understand your audience’s expectations.
  3. Organize your content in a very effective manner.
  4. Include humor and stories in your content with effective language.
  5. Avoid reading content. Try to deliver your content just by a glimpse of the main headings.
  6. Use voice modulation and hand gestures effectively.
  7. Attract the attention in starting seconds of your speech and close with a zestful end.
  8. Use audiovisual aids wisely.
  9. Pay attention and learn from feedback.
  10. Let some questions go.

Strategies To Prepare For Speaking Engagements

Delivering an engaging speech is really an easy task if you strategies everything properly.

Let us discuss the important strategies to prepare for speaking engagements.

Following these strategies will definitely help you stand confident in front of your audience.

Practice Your Content As Much As You Can.

Doing practice is the key element among the 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation. If you practice delivering your speech before performing in real, you will be able to minimize flaws in your speech.

Practice your content as much as you can. Understand your topic clearly. In the beginning, you can practice it alone in front of a mirror.

After that, you can deliver your speech in front of your family or friends and work on their feedback.

You can also record yourself while speaking and review it after every recording for improvements.

Strategies To Prepare For Speaking Engagements.
10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Understand Your Audience’s Expectations.

Knowing and understanding your audience is very important. You should not bore them with content nor overload them with facts.

Before delivering your speech, you should know why your audience is there and what are their expectations of your speech.

Organize Your Content In A Very Effective Manner.

It is very important to create a framework for your speech. Write down the purpose, central idea, and main points of your speech. Further, choose your words wisely.

Tips For Mastering The Art Of Public Speaking

Speaking in front of people is an art. So, here are some great tips for mastering the art of public speaking.

Include Humor And Stories In Your Content With Effective Language.

Your speech should not be monotonous. Thus, include some waves and tides of humor in your speech with stories to attract and bind the audience.

Tips For Mastering The Art Of Public Speaking.
10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Avoid Reading Content. Try to deliver your content just by a glimpse of the main headings.

Reading in front of your audience disconnects your interpersonal connection with the audience. So, try to deliver your content just with a glimpse of the headings and main points. This way you can focus more on your audience.

Use Voice Modulation And Hand Gestures Effectively.

Your speech should not sound like you are just reading something in front of your audience. You should sound like you are talking with your audience. Make eye contact while speaking. Also, make use of voice and hands that support your speech. Non-verbal communication conveys most of your message.

Effective Ways To Get Attention Of Audience

Don’t let your audience get boring or overloaded with the content. Let them enjoy your speech.

Attract The Attention In Starting Seconds Of Your Speech And Close With A Zestful End.

Starting seconds of your speech is very important. None of us enjoy the boring starting like “Today I am going to talk about so and so”. So, start with a great punch line or quotation and conclude with a strong statement that the audience is sure to remember.

Use audiovisual aids wisely.

Don’t let audiovisuals break your direct connection with the audience. Use them sparingly to clarify your content.

Effective Ways To Get Attention Of Audience.
10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation.

Pay attention and learn from feedback.

When you practice in front of your trusted audience, ask them for feedback and improve yourself in that area.

Let some questions go.

It is obvious to get some unpredictable questions from the audience. In such a situation, rather than stammering, you can let go of the question saying, “That’s a great question, let me get back to you on that.”

So, by mastering these 10 Public Speaking Skills To Crush Your Next Presentation, you will definitely become more and more confident. Further, to calm yourself, you can practice meditation. The Importance Of Meditation In Daily Life is undeniable. It can help you a lot in fighting your fear of speaking.

Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life

Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.

Modern lifestyle revolves around gadgets and things of comfort. These things affect the mind and body health to a great extent. Diseases like stress, hypertension, heart diseases, and cancer-like diseases are very common nowadays.

Increasing health and mental risk in modern life is urging for a solution. A solution that can restore mental peace and good health of the body. The search for this solution leads us to rediscover our ancient disciplines.

Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.
Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.

And you will be amazed to know that our ancient disciplines have some very simple but magical solutions to deal with these problems.

So, today I am going to reveal this magical solution to you. Go through this article to get the key solution for all of your problems.

Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life

Before discussing the key solution, just think about ancient times. People in ancient times live a long and healthy life. The reason being they used to follow a proper and healthy lifestyle.

This healthy lifestyle begins with early mornings that are followed by yoga and meditation. And this is the magical key solution to modern lifestyle-related problems.

Yoga is a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline. No one can deny the importance of yoga in modern life as it offers many health benefits and provides a way to live a joyful and peaceful life. Moreover, Yoga helps to improve both the mental and physical health of a being.

importance of yoga in modern life.
Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.

There are many cases where people overcome chronic ailments miraculously by practicing yoga. In fact, the biggest example in front of us is Ramdev Baba. The left side of his face was partially paralyzed after his birth. It was perhaps due to a congenital disability or a childhood illness. The condition prompts his left eye to squint and wink involuntarily. But today by continuous practice of yoga, he has not only recovered himself but also helped others to heal their pain.

This is very amazing to know that Yoga can change the activity of our brain, our chemistry, and even our genetic content. However, it needs no confirmation as we are witnessing it since ancient times. But today there is considerable medical and scientific evidence to prove the Importance of Yoga In Modern Life.

Technology For Transformation

Yoga is a technology for transformation. When you practice yoga daily you will be able to transform yourself into a calm and peaceful being. This is the importance of yoga in modern life that you attain a relaxed state and a level of blissfulness.

Today’s life is so hectic that every age group experience headache every now and then. And approx 80% of people are dependent on medicines to get relief from this headache.

But medicine is not the permanent solution. If everyone starts dedicating a small part of their day to yoga, this percentage can decrease.

Stress, headache, or any type of pain in the body prevents you from giving a hundred percent to your work.

This decreases your enthusiasm and adversely affects your work.

Technology For Transformation.
Importance Of Yoga In modern life.

But with the practice of yoga, you can achieve a perfectly healthy physical and mental state of your body. And thus, you can do great in your work life as well.

WHO has launched a Mobile App For Yoga WHO mYoga in collaboration with the Government Of India realizing the importance of yoga in modern life. It aims to make yoga an integral part of life and to reach the level that promotes good health.

Different Forms Of Yoga Asana

There are different forms of yoga asana like:

  • Hatha Yoga
  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Iyengar Yoga
  • Bikram Yoga
  • Ashtanga Yoga
  • Jivamukti Yoga
  • Kundalini Yoga
  • Anusara Yoga
  • Yin Yoga

Hath yoga is the mother of all forms of yoga. This form of yoga is best for beginners as it includes slow motion of the body. Hath yoga very gently inducts you into yoga. The very commonly known Suryanamaskar is also a form of Hath Yoga.

Different Forms Of Yoga Asana.
Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.

These forms of yoga are not so common among people. But Suryanamaskar and Power Yoga are very common. Power yoga is Ashtanga Yoga. It includes a continuous flow of movement. Top athletes who seek intense workouts follow Ashtanga Yoga. This form of yoga creates heat in the body to purge toxins.

Thus, all the different forms of yoga follow different flows and movements of the body. But all the forms help you in attaining physical and mental strength, calmness, peace, and balanced energies.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Yoga Practice

Now you are aware of the magical benefits and importance of yoga in modern life. But while practicing yoga, you have to keep certain things in mind. Practicing yoga the right way will benefit you magically. But without proper knowledge and precautions, you can hurt yourself while doing yoga.

First of all, you should do yoga on an empty stomach. However, if you feel weak, you can have honey in lukewarm water. But also, don’t eat right after doing yoga. Have at least 30 minutes break before eating.

Secondly, the bladder and bowels should be empty before starting yoga. Further, you should perform yoga slowly and in a relaxed manner with the awareness of body and breath.

Furthermore, it is mandatory to do warm-up exercises and stretching before doing yoga to avoid any type of injury.

Do's And Don'ts Of Yoga Practice.
Importance Of Yoga In Modern Life.

Use a mat with a good grip for performing yoga. And always perform yoga in a well-ventilated space. Remember to breathe through your nostrils and not through your mouth.

Most importantly keep in mind that each yoga practice has certain limitations. So, be aware of these limitations.

If you have any type of disease, then you should consult your doctor or physician before doing any kind of yoga asana.

I hope after knowing the importance of yoga in modern life, you will practice it regularly. My good wishes are for you to start creating awareness and forming a deeper connection between the body, breath, and consciousness.

You can also read our post about The Importance Of Meditation In Daily Life.

Yoga adds years to your life and life to your years.

Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children

Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.

Destruction, Tears, Grief, and Mourn all over in Ukraine today. Where is this war taking us? Do you really feel that war is the only option we have? And what will anyone get from this war?

How will we compensate for the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who died in this war?

How will we compensate for the most crucial time of children’s life when they should learn new things and construct themselves for a bright future?

Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.
Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.

Do these leaders even once think about the Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children?

Ukraine, the country known for its beautiful and diverse landscapes, well-preserved culture, and tradition is going through an intense tense situation today.

The tragic situation unfolding in Ukraine is really heartbreaking.

This war is hitting people in Ukrain both physically, and psychologically. Young kids and students especially have a more traumatic impact of the ongoing war.

Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children

War is the synonym for bloodshed, dead bodies, and violence (physical, mental and sexual). Each and everyone suffers badly. Talking about children who have the worst impact. They have to leave their homes. Other than this, most of the children are separated from their caregivers.

Many of them are exposed to sexual abuse. The blaring siren of missile alert systems, bombs, and different types of violence has shaken the children vigorously. These things have devastating impact of Russia Ukraine war on children. These are not the only things they are suffering from. Lack of food, clean drinking water, freezing cold, inadequate health, and medical care, and loss of studies are other factors impacting them.

Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.
Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.

What the world will get from this war is a Traumatized Generation. This is the most devastating psychological impact of Russia Ukraine war on children. Depression, anxiety, and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are quite common mental disorders in children and adults. These disorders may lead to raised levels of disturbances and a lack of focus.

However, the symptoms of PTSD may vary, but intense fear, helplessness, anger, sadness, horror, or denial are very common among them. Other than these, they may also develop some physical symptoms like sleeplessness, sudden and extreme emotional reactions, headache and stomach ache.

Furthermore, the repeated experience of such trauma may cause emotional numbing to death or may block the trauma.  However, intense care, support, and affection may help them heal but that too becomes difficult in such times.

The devastating psychological impact of Russia Ukraine war on children has not only shaken the people there but the whole world is terrified and worried. 

Escape And Survival In War Hit

Students from other countries in Ukraine have shared their harrowing journey of escape and survival.

As per Hindustan Times, Aditya, one of the students who is now back home from the war-hit area says it was really hard to escape. Further, he along with his friends set their luggage on fire to protect themselves from freezing cold. When they somehow manage to cross the second checkpoint, they saw students already waiting there for four days.

Escape And Survival In War Hit.
Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.

Another student Iqra says that “We were so weak emotionally but we had to be strong. We didn’t know what would happen. We just believed that our government would do something for us. I fear for those stuck in Kharkiv. I saw the attack happen just once, they are constantly hearing bombs go off”.

Aditya, Iqra, and their friends are now back home. But there are many others who are still facing the war and hoping for a safe escape.

Ray Of Hope Amidst War

If there is cruelty and negativity, there is kindness and positivity also. In this hard time, many countries, communities, and individuals are helping the victims in Ukraine.

The EU is standing firm in giving its unwavering support to Ukraine. Stepping up its political, humanitarian, financial, and military support to the country, the EU is providing protection to people there.

Other than this, the Ukrainian Red Cross teams are working tirelessly to help people and communities in need there. Along with food and shelter, they are providing safe passage and financial assistance to refugees.

UNICEF is providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children.

Further, an Indian restaurant Saathiya in the capital city of Kyiv is providing food and shelter to many Ukrainians. Dozens of children, older locals, homeless people, students, and pregnant women are getting shelter and protection in this restaurant.

Ray Of Hope Amidst War.
Devastating Psychological Impact Of Russia Ukrain War On Children.

If the war shows the negative side of a few people, this kindness and helping hands show the positive side of the world. Uniting together, we can overcome any situation. They are teaching us to stay strong and Say No To Giving Up whatever may be the situation.

“All we are saying is give peace a chance”. – John Lennon

With this, I hope the peace will restore soon in both countries and pray for the soldiers and people who sacrificed their lives in this war for keeping the hope alive.

5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime

5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

The world today is facing various serious issues among which juvenile crime is the most threatening one.

In fact, the recent data says, juvenile crimes are increasing faster than any other type of crime all over the world. Teens are involved in cases like rape, murder, kidnapping, mass shootings, robbery, sexual assault, etc.

5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.
5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

Where is our youth going? What are the factors enforcing our youth towards juvenile crime? Let us discuss and try to understand the 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime

It is hard to accept the grim reality of today’s youth. But the teens alone are not responsible for this condition. Along with teens, parents, teachers, and society are equally responsible for this deteriorating condition of youth. Further, from the Kathua rape case, gang rape in Delhi, bullying and assaulting by celebrities’ children in Oshiwara to the mass shooting in an elementary school in Texas by a teen, every case is forcing us to dig out deeply into the reason behind these crimes.

Below are the 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime:

  • Firstly, Family.
  • Secondly, Economic Issues.
  • Furthermore, Psychological Problems.
  • Social Evils.
  • Peer Pressure and Social Media.
5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.
5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

So, these are the 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime as per the research. Children are just like wet mud. They shape themselves according to the environment they get around them. Whatever they see, feel, and experience makes up their mindset and personality. Now, let us discuss how these 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime impact a child.

Impact Of family

The first school of the children is their family. Explicitly, they have a great impact of the family atmosphere on them. Whatever they see in their family constructs their initial mentality for the society and world.

Notably, parents play a most important role in shaping up their children and setting values and morals in their life. Parents’ conflicts, single parentship, lack of trust and confidence, and unequal treatment among children may lead to behavioral problems among children.

Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquency

Economic Issues

In many cases, parents are not able to meet the high financial aspirations of their children. Youth wants to improve their financial status and for this, they sometimes choose the wrong path and involve themselves in criminal activities.

Psychological Problems

Mental illness or other psychological problems like anger, frustration, depression, ego problem, etc also forces youth on the wrong pathway. Youth today have become more restless and short-tempered. A small fight can turn into bloodshed. A Mass Shooting By a Teen in Elementary School in Texas is the most recent and threatening example of a psychological problem.

Risk Factors For Juvenile Delinquency.
5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

Social Evils

The world today is facing many social evils related to youth like ageism, sexism, child labor, etc. Many times youth faces discrimination on the basis of these social evils. Improper or low level of understanding and communication gap with parents or guardians leads youth to the path of crime or violence.

Peer Pressure and Social Media

Social media and peer pressure are known as silent destroyers. Children today are involving themselves in social media and friends more than the family. Many times these two leads to a good path but the bitter truth is that it pushes children to more negativity most of the time. Children trust them more than their own families and get involved in activities that harm them in long run.

Ways To Prevent Child Delinquency

So, we have discussed the 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime. It is clear that the problem is very complex and growing at a great pace. Thus, it is very important to review the pattern of parenting and the environment we are providing to our children.

Lack of communication is the biggest problem here as I can see. Children are afraid to share their problems with their parents and thus trust a stranger more than their own families.

Ways To Prevent Child Delinquency.
5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime.

Parents should maintain an equal balance of strictness and friendliness with their children. So that, they fear doing the wrong but can share if anything or anybody troubles them. Along with this, parents should focus more on teaching morals and values to their children. Other than moral teachings, parents should also involve their children in meditation and ethical teachings.

However, everybody today is aware of The Importance Of Meditation In Daily Life. Meditation and ethics help to control the negativity and give a clear understanding between right and wrong.

With these, I hope we can prepare our children to fight the 5 Leading Factors Behind Increased Juvenile Crime and find the right way always.